
A little boy with dark skin and hair sits on his mothers lap playing with the tail of a wolf from a tactile picture book, Little Red Riding Hood. Both are concentrating hard on the page.

You can make a regular or one-off gift through our website. Every gift makes a difference

To set up a regular gift or make a one-off gift today, please use this portal to donate: 

£2 a month could enable us to select, transcribe and add a new board book to the library

£10 a month could let us to guide, support and provide a volunteer with the materials they need to create four tactile books- perfect for developing the delicate touch skills needed for braille and for children with additional disabilities.

£35 could enable us to add a children’s picture book to the library, letting children with vision impairment access the same titles as their peers, supporting social interaction and inclusion – alongside the pleasures of reading.

£70 could enable us to produce two books for adults with vision impairment to read with a sighted child. These books have the images described in braille so that adults can teach concepts such as colours and shapes to their sighted babies and toddlers.

Donation alternatives: you can also complete and post our Donation Form with a cheque made payable to 'ClearVision Project'. To donate directly into our bank account or set up a standing order with your bank or building society, email or on 020 8789 9575 for details.

If you’re donating directly via your bank or by cheque, please also email us a Giftaid Declaration Form allowing us to claim an extra 25% of the value of your gift.

If you’re giving in memory of someone, please feel free to email us with their name and any memories you’d like to share.

Thank you for your generosity.