Other Organisations

Other organisations you may find useful. All the links will open in separate tabs.
Large print:
Access2Books: sell children’s books in giant print and braille with adapted print images www.access2books.org
Guidedogs: provide a wealth of information, support and services for children with a visual impairment. Their Custom Eyes service produces tailor-made books in any font size
RNIB Bookshare: an online collection of downloadable learning resources for anyone who has trouble reading print www.rnibbookshare.org
Sensory and accessible books and learning:
Bag Books: produce multisensory stories for people with severe learning difficulties or profound and multiple learning disabilities www.bagbooks.org
Booktrust: a national literacy charity. Their free BookTouch packs contain books specially selected for children with a sight impairment and their Bookmark site gives information on children’s books and disabilities www.booktrust.org.uk
Calibre Audio Library: run a library of audiobooks for anyone who cannot read print, including a large special selection for children/young people www.calibre.org.uk
Listening Books: provides audiobooks for anyone who can't use a conventional book, including a range of fiction and non-fiction for children, www.listening-books.org.uk
Living Paintings: provide a postal library of braille books for children with audio recordings and raised plastic pictures. Many of our borrowers move on to Living Paintings resources after developing their touch skills using our tactile books. Living Paintings also provide packs of learning materials for teenagers and raised plastic versions of famous works of pictures, such as famous works of art, for adults www.livingpaintings.org
My Kind Of Book: creates and promotes inclusive books and sensory stories for people with additional needs and works to make picture books more accessible for everyone. www.mykindofbook.org.uk
Reading Sight: a wealth of information about reading for people with a visual impairment www.readingsight.org.uk
RNIB Library Service: for audio and ebraille https://readingservices.rnib.org.uk
The Scottish BookTrust: A Scottish literacy charity. We’ve worked with them to make books in their Read Write Count book gift packs accessible in braille. www.scottishbooktrust.com Their page on Sensory Stories has practical information on sensory stories and on how to get tactile books as part of their free BookBug offering: https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/reading-and-stories/sensory-storytelling-landing
Organisations supporting children with sight impairment:
CHECT: support families with Retinablastoma www.chect.org.uk
Contact: provide information and support to families and professionals on a wide range of medical conditions and disabilities www.contact.org.uk www.contact.org.uk
Family Fund: support families with disabilities including grants www.familyfund.org.uk
IPSEA: The Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice is a charity which gives legal advice to families with children who have special educational needs or disabilities, helping them access appropriate education. It also gives training on SEND law. www.IPSEA.org.uk
Linden Lodge School: the Specialist Sensory and Physical College where ClearVision started. We are still based within the school grounds. www.lindenlodge.wandsworth.sch.uk
LOOK: provides information, support and activities for young people and their families www.look-uk.org
MACS: MACS is a small national charity supporting children and adults born without eyes or with underdeveloped eyes www.macs.org.uk
Positive Eye: Run a consultancy providing training and learning resources for professionals supporting children with Visual Impairment: www.positiveeye.co.uk
The Pocklington Trust: has information on education and employment for people with sight impairment www.pocklington.org.uk
The Powell Family Foundation (TPFF): provide grants to families who have a child with sight impairment www.tpff.org.uk
Royal Society For Blind Children (RSBC): provide information, advice, support and activities www.rsbc.org.uk
SOS!SEN: provides a helpline and support at their walk-in centres for families to help them access appropriate education for their children with disabilities or special educational needs. www.sossen.org.uk
VICTA: provides information, support, grants, trips and activities for children and young people up to age 29. www.victa.org.uk
Organisations for parents with sight impairment
Blind Parents UK (formerly Blind Mums Connect): www.blindparents.uk and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blindparentsuk/
VI Parents And Carers Together: https://www.facebook.com/groups/406976132976091?_rdr
Braille and other accessible formats
RNIB: a simple but comprehensive explanation of braille: https://www.rnib.org.uk/living-with-sight-loss/education-and-learning/braille-tactile-codes/
UK Association for Accessible Formats: for technical information about braille and Moon www.ukaaf.org