Sponsor A Book

Why not sponsor a book to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or commemorate the life of a special person? Every year we create around 400 new books, adding desperately-needed new titles and replacing much-loved old favourites. We produce three types of books that can all be sponsored; each will contain a sticker bearing the sponsor’s name. The sponsor can also be acknowledged next to the book’s record on the online catalogue and we can send a certificate showing the title(s) sponsored.

Baby & Toddler Book(s) - £20 per book

Mostly used by younger readers, but also those with additional needs, these traditional board books are robust, tactile and engaging. They contain flaps to lift, sounds and even smells. Popular titles include the “That’s not my…” series and Dear Zoo. The words are brailled onto clear sticky-backed plastic and stuck to the pages, meaning the braille can be read alongside the text. It costs around £20 to add a board book to the ClearVision library.

Interleaved story books- £35 per book

These ordinary children’s books are transformed into accessible books for readers with vision impairment, thanks to the braille being added onto plastic sheets and then interleaved. As with our board books, the braille can be read at the same time as the text, making them perfect for sharing. Covering non-fiction and fiction, these books are read by most of our borrowers and cost around £35 each to add to the library.

Short chapter books- £50 per book

These longer books are perfect for children who can read more confidently, but still need an adult reading along. These books come in a folder which includes a slim, single-sided A4 braille volume and a matching print copy. Some also include a simple tactile image which illustrates the story.

To sponsor a book please download and complete our Book Sponsorship Form and email or post it to us. You can then donate the sponsorship amount using the donation portal (opens in a new tab) or transfer the appropriate amount into our bank account (please contact us for details) or send a cheque.